Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bird Phooooop!

Bird Poop. To those my-English-is-poorer-than-yours, this phrase actually was a bit of a surprise. And surely you can count me one among them. Well… I then looked through the good ol’ dictionary. And there I was, saying “Shit!”.

I thought for a moment, why do I need to pass through the insanity of recollecting those bird poop ‘moments’. Yes, I prefer to call this a moment. ‘Cause a moment is something you either want to experience again, or just pray that it never comes. And yes, this one belongs to the latter.

Any way, this piece came up as a Mundane Monday Morning job – oh yeah, it was actually the weblog topic for Monday. (Call it coincidence or call it Monday Morning Shit, nevertheless, it means the same. More or less.)

Bird Poop. This again reminds me of Late Dr. Salim Ali, (referred to as the “Birdman of India”) India’s most celebrated – and probably one of world’s most celebrated Ornithologists. I wonder how he would have dealt with ‘shit’ like this.

With due respects to him, and the victims of ‘The Great Bird Poop Fall’, here’s just twowords: Shit happens! (as someone with unfathomable levels of Poopism, coined it.)

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